Ketamine Therapy

Treatment option for people living with a wide range of barriers to their well-being including anxiety, depression, PTSD, grief, trauma, ADD/ADHD, palliative care and chronic head injury.


  • Ketamine is a dissociative and psychedelic medication which helps release negative thought patterns and can help to rapidly relieve symptoms from mental health disorders and chronic head injury.

  • For some people, ketamine therapy is an alternative to daily prescription medications.

  • Improve brain health with ketamine therapy. We make decisions and design choices based on the safety, comfort, and convenience of each patient.

  • Your first appointment is a consultation to discuss treatment and individualize your sessions and find strategies to achieve your goals. Ketamine therapy is a series of 6 infusions over consecutive 2-3 week time period.

  • Ketamine therapy was life changing for me. I have had anxiety for almost all of my adult life and have been on different medications off and on without really achieving what I would deem satisfactory treatment. Once I had ketamine, I was able to process through what was the root cause of my anxiety and make changes starting from where the problem began. I was able to come off of ALL my medications, which was such a freeing experience.

    Ketamine Therapy

  • I have been living with a lot of stress and anxiety. I grew up thinking I needed to just deal with it to be strong, so my response was to suppress it and try to move on or avoid the situation. As I have gotten older, working in a high stress job, I have noticed I have a quick temper at home. Before work, I started to have racing heart, tingling in my hands, feet and face and rapid breathing before I walked through the door. After doing ketamine therapy, I have been able to identify triggers and process through my anxiety to work through the response system. I am still confronted with triggers for my anxiety but it has become manageable. My family has also noticed an improvement in my mood.

    Ketamine Therapy

Discover the source of the problem


IV Therapy